Re: RPC protocol problem?

Alexander Haiut (
Fri, 26 Aug 1994 15:53:16 +0200 (GMT+0200)

> Dave Mitchell writes:
> > Anyway, am I correct in believing that the export bug only works if the
> > fileystem is exported to localhost, and not for the "real" local
> > hostname or aliases?
> >
> > Dave.
> It depends. On some systems, maps to "localhost.their.domain"
> while on others it just maps to "localhost"
> If their mountd allows export to "*.their.domain", then theoretically,
> localhost will be included.
> Does this sound right?
> -Peter

  Heh.. I thought the bug works in both cases, it means when filesystem
  is exported to localhost and to machine.domain... I could be wrong,
  but what for should I export filesystems of my machine to LOCALHOST
  (to machine itself) ?  Will somebdy correct me ?	Thanx...


  Alexander L. Haiut		 	
  Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
  Beer-Sheva, Israel
  e-mail :
  voice  : +972-7-461658